The principal officers
of the Condominium shall
be a President, a Vice
President, a Secretary,
and a Treasurer, all of
whom shall be elected
by the Board. The Board
may appoint assistant
secretaries and such other
officers as in its judgment
may be necessary. With
the exception of the President,
no officer need be a member
of the Board. Two or more
offices may be held by
the same person, except
that the President shall
not hold any other office.

The President shall be
the chief executive officer;
he shall preside at meetings
of the Council and the
Board of Directors and
shall be an ex-officio
member of all committees;
he shall have general
and active management
of the business of the
Condominium and shall
see that all orders and
resolutions of the Board
are carried into effect.
To the extent not inconsistent
with the laws of the State
of Maryland, the Declaration,
or these By-Laws, he shall
have all of the general
powers and duties which
are usually vested in
or incident to the office
of president of a stock
corporation organized
under the laws of the
State of Maryland.

The Vice President shall,
in the absence or disability
of the President, perform
the duties and exercise
the powers of the President,
and shall perform such
other duties as the Board
of Directors shall prescribe.
If neither the President
nor the Vice President
is able to act, the Board
of Directors shall appoint
a member of the Board
to do so on an interim

The Secretary shall attend
all sessions of the Board
of Directors and all meetings
of the Council, count
all votes for which inspectors
of elections have not
been elected at all meetings
of the Board of Directors
and of the Council and
record all votes and the
minutes of all proceedings
in a book to be kept by
him for that purpose and
shall perform like duties
for committees when required.
He shall give, or cause
to be given, notice of
all meetings of the Council,
the Board and committees
and shall perform such
other duties as may be
prescribed by the Board
or President. The Secretary
shall compile and keep
current at the principal
office of the Condominium,
a roster containing a
complete list of the Unit
Owners and their last
known post office addresses
to which addresses notices
of all meetings of the
Council shall be sent.
This list shall be open
to inspection by all Unit
Owners and other persons
lawfully entitled to inspect
the same, at reasonable
hours during regular business
days. The Secretary shall
also keep current and
retain custody of the
minute book of the Council,
containing the minutes
of regular annual and
special meetings of the
Council and all sessions
of the Board including

The Treasurer shall have
the custody of all funds
and securities that are
not under the control
of the Managing Agent,
and, with the assistance
of the Managing Agent,
shall keep full and accurate
records of receipts and
disbursements and shall
deposit all moneys and
other valuable effects
in such depositories as
may be designated by the
Board. Be shall disburse
funds as ordered by the
Board taking proper vouchers
for such disbursements,
and shall render to the
President and directors,
at the regular meetings
of the Board, or whenever
they may require it, an
account of all of his
transactions as Treasurer
and of the financial condition
of the Condominium. The
Treasurer shall give a
bond, the premium therefor
to be considered a Common
Expense, in such sum,
and with such surety or
sureties as shall be satisfactory
to the Board for the faithful
performance of the duties
of his office and for
the restoration, in case
of his death, resignation,
retirement or removal
from office, of all books,
papers, vouchers, money
and other property of
whatever kind in his possession
or under his control.
The bylaws also allow
an additional voting member
to the board of directors
termed a Director. Although
this member is not considered
an officer, they are elected
in the same way as the
officers, they sit in
on all Board of Director
meetings and have full
voting privledges.